Patricia Aguayo, MD, PhD has been appointed as the new medical director of UNI’s Neurobehaivor HOME Program and the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic (ASDC)
Three new faculty join the Department of Psychiatry. Melissa Mott, MD, PhD, as an Instructor (Clinical). Jeremy Stoddart, MD, as an Assisstant Professor (Clinical). And Rong Xiao, MD, PhD, as...
Dr. Lowry Bushnell, Department of Psychiatry faculty member and clinical director of the Treatment Resistant Mood Disorders Clinic, is one of six individuals to receive the newly formed Jon M...
The Department of Psychiatry is pleased to announce results of the 2018 Residency Match for the Adult Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and Triple Board tracks
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The Psychiatry Department has partnered with CONNECT, a community mental health advocacy group, who is hosting several community educational events throughout the month of...
Dr. Jason Hunziker, Division Chief of Adult Psychiatry and Inpatient Medical Director at University Neuropsychiatric Institute, addresses the symptoms and treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Dr. Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Psychiatry faculty member and Director of Cognitive Neuroimaging at the University of Utah's Diagnostic Neuroimaging Laboratory, is the U's lead researcher in national study exploring neural changes...
Patricia Aguayo, MD, MPH, is joining the Department of Psychiatry faculty in the the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Division as an Assistant Professor (Clinical).
Three new faculty join the Department of Psychiatry. Catherine Bledowski, MD, as an Assistant Professor (Clinical). Jozef Bledowski, MD, as an Associate Professor (Clinical). And Javier Ballester Gonzalez, MD, as...
Dr. Doug Gray, faculty member of the University of Utah Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and a Utah pioneer in suicide prevention, contributes to a three-part news series addressing...
Three new faculty join the Department of Psychiatry. Troy Hoff, DO, PhD, as an Assistant Professor (Clinical). Steve Sugden, MD, MPH, as am Assistant Professor (Clinical). And Kristen Pagel, MD...
Organizing around patient needs isn't easy. It involves changing traditional reporting relationships and patterns of care delivery. Over nearly 20 years, UNI’s HOME Program has refined how the team works...
It was her work with the Department of Veterans Affairs that first got University of Utah researcher Deborah Yurgelun-Todd interested in studying athletes. The director of the U.'s Cognitive Neuroimaging...
It’s a topic many U.S. citizens don’t think about—treating the psychological needs of refugees. The trauma that so many refugees suffer does not go away when they reach their new...