Researchers at the University of Utah, including psychiatry professor Dr. Tiffany Love, wanted to know how the pandemic is affecting mental health, and so far, they’re finding more of us...
This year marks the start of a psychiatric residency program at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City that will, in two years, place training psychiatrists in Pocatello to...
Colleen Fitzgerald, Perry Renshaw, Andrew Prescott, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Danielle Boxer and Doug Kondo are suicide researchers at the University of Utah and the Salt Lake City Department of Veterans Affairs...
Colleen Fitzgerald, Perry Renshaw, Andrew Prescott, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Danielle Boxer and Doug Kondo are suicide researchers at the University of Utah and the Salt Lake City Department of Veterans Affairs...
At the 2019 SHIFT summit Dr. Bill Marchand moderated a panel of doctors and researchers in discussing nature contact as a tool for relieving psychological distress in active-duty military service...
A common thought is 'a few drinks during times of stress can help a person relax and sleep.' However, drinking too much alcohol can have the opposite effect, as well...
Roll Call is a podcast produced by Unified Fire Authority that discusses topics about firefighting and emergency care and rescue. In this episode, they talk with Department of Psychiatry faculty...
Brooks Keeshin, MD, child psychiatrist and pediatrician specializing in trauma, advises ways to cope with the amplified stress and anxiety that can come from repeated exposure to trauma.
Faculty researcher, Scott Langenecker PhD, is helping to investigate whether nicotine, when administered correctly, could be effective delaying or preventing memory loss in patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
Lowry Bushnell, department faculty member and UNI's Clinical Director of ECT/Neuro-Stimulation services, works with a collaborative research team on an investigational pilot study utilizing the IV anesthetic Propofol for the...
Anne Asman, Gerontologist and the Department's Director of Advancement and Outreach, along with Briana Sisofo, Master of Science student in Gerontology, co-authored and presented at the GSA Annual Meeting a...
New physician, Elizabeth Gargaro, MD, joins the faculty in the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Gargaro works with adolescent patients at UNI’s Girls Transition Center and provides pediatric care and mental...