Substance-Related Arrest Referrals
Examples of substance-related arrests are possession, intent to distribute, and public intoxication. However, even an arrest such as theft may be considered related to substance use if the intent was to obtain money or goods to acquire drugs or alcohol.
There is a growing recognition that many individuals who have committed a crime would not have done so if they did not have an addiction. If addiction is treated properly, we can eliminate future legal offenses.
At the time of sentencing, judges often consider whether an individual has initiated an assessment and is willing to participate in treatment. Because we do not offer treatment services and therefore we do not benefit from the results of the assessment, many judges in Salt Lake County will refer to ARS exclusively. Some judges will not accept assessments and recommendations from other agencies.
Cost of Assessment
Individuals can call our office at (801) 587-2770 to schedule an appointment. You will be asked for payment at the time of scheduling and the payment is due at the time of assessment.
For missed appointments and/or failure to provide a 24 hour notice of assessment cancellation, a $25 reschedule fee will need to be collected by ARS before another appointment will be scheduled. We do not accept checks, American Express, or Discover.
Schedule an Appointment
Individuals who need this type of assessment can call our office to schedule an appointment. It is helpful if you have:
- Your case number
- The name of the presiding judge (if you know it)
What to Expect
Assessments include:
- Clinical interview
- Administration of the addiction severity index
- The American Society of Addiction Medicine Placement Criteria
- Criminal background history (when appropriate)
Assessments can take as long as two hours. In addition, we will ask you to complete some paperwork when you arrive at our office, so please come early.
During the assessment you will meet with a clinician who will ask you several questions about all aspects of your life. Some of the questions may seem irrelevant, but keep in mind that questions about your childhood, relationships, mental health functioning, and other topics help us determine the best possible referral for you.
Upon completion of the assessment, we will usually immediately inform you of any referral and provide you with information on how to contact the agency where you may be referred.
We will also ask you to sign a release of information so we can provide copies of our written assessment to all concerned individuals (the agency you have been referred to, judges, probation officers, attorneys, etc.).
Please bring photo ID to the assessment.