Step 2: Document Upload
Upload the following items compiled into a single PDF file. Include your last name in the file name of the PDF (eg: welsh-application.pdf). Upon submission of your PDF file, complete Step 3: Letters of Recommendations.
- Curriculum vita (CV).
- Please briefly describe (no more than ~300 words) what you expect to gain by attending this course and how you imagine it will impact your scientific work.
- Please briefly describe (no more than ~300 words) past or current examples of when you have used neuroimaging or genetics in your career (while not required, you may reference ~4 of your citations, as appropriate).
- This course is dedicated to diversity. Please provide a brief statement (~½ page) of your commitment and contributions to the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in science.
This course is supported by federal funding from the National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke (R25NS117281).